Chatswood Public School

Inspire, engage, nurture

Telephone02 9419 6127

Opportunity Class

At Chatswood Public School there are two Opportunity Classes - Year 5 and Year 6, with 30 students in each class. Entry to the classes is via academic merit only. Opportunity classes and selective high schools form part of the NSW Department of Education's commitment to identify and provide a range of opportunities for high potential and gifted students in NSW.

For further information see the High Potential and Gifted Education Policy (HPGE). Read about the selective high school and opportunity class policy.


Learning in the OC looks differently than the class your child will be coming from. Students engage in a variety of differentiated learning activities that will challenge their thinking and extend their learning. This may be through project based learning, coding (Python, HTML, Blockly), Maths Olympiad and/or a range of programs we offer through the Australian Mathematics Trust. 

The Opportunity Class teachers at Chatswood Public School have further qualifications in teaching HPGE through the University of New South Wales. 

Is the Opportunity Class the right fit for my child?

Your child may have high academic potential if they demonstrate some of the following:

Opportunity classes help students learn by:

  • grouping them with other high potential and gifted students
  • using special teaching methods so students can learn concepts in more detail and more quickly.
  • supporting their wellbeing needs.

Most students in opportunity classes enjoy learning more when their classmates have similar abilities and interests.

Students entering the Opportunity Class program at Chatswood Public School have the opportunity to be involved in a range of extra curricular activities including music, dance and choir. 

An OC orientation day, via invitation, is held mid Term 4 each year for students and their families who have accepted a place in the Year 5 Opportunity Class for the following year. At this orientation day, details such as uniform, canteen, extra curricular activities and other processes to Chatswood Public School are discussed. Students will also meet existing OC students and get a taste of what learning might look like at our school.