Chatswood Public School

Inspire, engage, nurture

Telephone02 9419 6127

Inclusive Hub

Inclusive Hub


The Inclusive Hub is our Support Unit of 3 classes; one multicategorical and two Autism specific classes

We have titled our unit the ‘Inclusive Hub’, due to our strong value of inclusive education. The students in our Inclusive Hub have individualised education programs and plans, which are developed in consultation with parents and allied health professionals.

After Individualised Education Plans are collaboratively developed at the beginning of each year, they are reflected and adjusted to meet the learning and progress journey of each student during mid- and end-of-year review meetings. This enables a strong continuity of learning, successful transitions and a shared understanding of progress between school, home and therapies.


All students  have opportunities for integration. Integration refers to students attending lessons in a mainstream classroom that align to or enhance their knowledge and understanding of stage outcomes. Learning activities are adapted to cater for individual student’s needs. Attending integration also enables students to make and practice social connections with peers of the same stage and age.

For more information, visit the Support classes in mainstream schools